

1.The viewpoint of today's class was very interesting. I agree with it very much. Because Japanese people want to hide every thing. I think we do not like being seen from other people.
So, we wrap our house with wall or trees and hide our body in clothes.
One of "wrapping" is wrapping some money. Japanese people wrap some money in a lovely envelop and give it to them when their friends or somebody marry. But both of them know the sum in the envelop. Because Japanese people think no wrapping is vulgar. But this is my opinion.

2. a, I think I will go to heaven when I die but if I made bad things while I alived, I couldn't go to heaven. My soul just meander in this world.

b, Because we cannot forget and want to repay to a dead person. We believe that the dead person is happy to gather everyone. So, we have death memorial services.

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